Learning to Fly - Training for a 100 Mile Trail Run (while enjoying Pink Floyd)

Successfully completing a 100 mile trail run has been a goal since 1998. Each year I have attempted to run one and have fallen short. As an experiment of one, I'm recording my training and hoping that it will eventually document the successful completion of a 100 mile trailrace.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Route:--Elev. Avg:1098 ft
Location:Meadville, PAElev. Gain:+0 ft
Date:12/31/08Up/Downhill: [+495/-495]
Time:08:15 AMDifficulty:3.3 / 5.0

Distance: 11.04 miles
Speed:3.7 mph
Pace:16' 11 /mi
Just made my goal of 1300 miles for the year. Snowing and blowing as I started out this morning - still great to be out and moving. The most difficult part of the run was getting out of the door.

Ran 276 times in 2008 or 75% of the days, that's 5 out of 7. Hope to get leaner and lighter in 2009. Run more days and increase total mileage. Let's shoot for 1600 in 2009.
Elevation (ft)
Pace (min/mile)
MilePace (min/mile)Speed (mph)Elevation
actual+/- avgactual+/- avg
114' 07-2' 044.2+0.5-229 ft
214' 09-2' 024.2+0.5-29 ft
316' 00-0' 113.8+0.0-3 ft
418' 01+1' 503.3-0.40 ft
516' 59+0' 483.5-0.2+10 ft
617' 45+1' 343.4-0.3-3 ft
717' 05+0' 543.5-0.2-6 ft
814' 17-1' 544.2+0.5-3 ft
916' 45+0' 343.6-0.1+4 ft
1015' 00-1' 114.0+0.3+29 ft
1116' 26+0' 153.6-0.1+206 ft
end14' 31-1' 404.1+0.4+26 ft
Versus average of 16' 11 min/mile