Learning to Fly - Training for a 100 Mile Trail Run (while enjoying Pink Floyd)

Successfully completing a 100 mile trail run has been a goal since 1998. Each year I have attempted to run one and have fallen short. As an experiment of one, I'm recording my training and hoping that it will eventually document the successful completion of a 100 mile trailrace.

Monday, December 31, 2007

This run has become my Litmus Test. Tonight's run of 31:47 is my fastest since the surgery. My goal is to run sub 30 minutes for this loop which I did regularly pre-surgery.

Route:Gasteiger RoadElev. Avg:1407 ft
Location:Meadville, PAElev. Gain:+0 ft
Date:08/29/07Up/Downhill: [+272/-272]
Time:07:00 PMDifficulty:3.0 / 5.0
 83 F temp; 52% humidity
 84 F heat index; winds Calm

Distance: 3.49 miles
Speed:6.6 mph
Pace:9' 06 /miHeart Rate:164 bpm (Avg)
Calories:456190 bpm (Peak)
Meadville, Pennsylvania
Elevation (ft)


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