Learning to Fly - Training for a 100 Mile Trail Run (while enjoying Pink Floyd)

Successfully completing a 100 mile trail run has been a goal since 1998. Each year I have attempted to run one and have fallen short. As an experiment of one, I'm recording my training and hoping that it will eventually document the successful completion of a 100 mile trailrace.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

I'm a plodder. Although I've completed 50 miles 25 times over the past 10 years I haven't set any records, haven't flown over the course. But I have run 50. In November I completed my 10th consecutive JFK 50 mile run and broke 12 hours for the first time.

A runner friend shared his nutrition plan with me - I used it in the race and it made a big difference. I ran with friends the entire way - that made a difference, too.


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